Member work

Member work

Friday 20 September 2013

Branch AGM and Demonstration by Stratford-upon-Avon Spinners, Weavers & Dyers

Holding our AGM on a Saturday this year enabled those members to attend who prefer a daytime meeting, and the broadened programme gave us more time to chat.  Twenty-one branch members attended, and we were joined for a bring-and-share lunch by the Stratford Spinners, Weavers and Dyers, who gave us an inspiring demonstration of their ancient craft afterwards.

From the business of the AGM we learned that:
  • We are financially sound.
  • We had successfully linked with HQ in sorting out issues over the new registration scheme.
  • With expert guidance/training from a member of the Birmingham Branch, we set up a Branch Blog.
  • Following the Committee’s review of the secretarial responsibilities, we now have four committee members sharing the load instead of one. The Newsletter Editor post has been established as part of this review. 
We listened with interest to the report on our amazing educational programme throughout the year, as well as the workshop and two members' days, which had given some of our own highly gifted members the opportunity to teach the rest of us. Our Young Embroiderers Group, too, had a very interesting year.

It was also reported that the highlight of the year was Jean Littejohn’s visit. Her Friday evening talk drew in the crowds, and her workshop was the best! The 20 members who attended were greatly inspired by her.

The achievements of the year included a member winning a prize for her entry in a "Stitch" magazine competition and two entries from the YEG to the Regional day were highly commended.
It was noted that Members Days and the Christmas festivity added a welcome social dimension for the branch.

The chairman thanked the Committee for all their work over the year and welcomed a new committee member. She also appealed for member support in planning the Regional Day and Exhibition in 2015 and also for their help in the running of the many Branch activities. 

In the afternoon we were all keen to have a go at spinning, ply splitting, making finger cords, kumihimo braiding, tablet weaving, among other techniques, and to see some of the lovely work this group produces.  Just have a look at the photos here to see how different it all was from our usual stitching.

Members concentrate on kumihimo braiding

Chair, Mary Holden tries her hand at spinning
Great fun once you get going!
A simple but effective weaving technique

A really distinctive luggage strap
Expert tuition on hand
Lunch was a great opportunity to chat and catch up

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